OPCMIA Plasterers Pay Scale
If you are a member of the Plasterers OPCMIA Union, please check your locals information and click the “Submit Wage Update” button if any of the numbers are outdated.
Operative Plasterers’ and cement Masons International Association
Worker Classification
Journeymen Plasterers

Did You Know?
✓ 43,000+ Members
✓ Founded in 1864
✓ Spearheads concrete
3D printing techniques
Local Number | City | State | Yearly Salary Based On 40hr Weeks | Hourly Rate | Total Package | Cost Of Living As A % Of National Avg | Adjusted Base Wage For Cost Of Living | Defined Pension | Contribution Pension | 401K / Annuity | Vacation Pay | H&W | Dues | Last Updated |
Average Of All Cities | $69,697.65 | $34.85 | $55.19 | - | $35.73 | $8.99 | $6.08 | - | $2.85 | $8.53 | $3.22 | - | ||
11 | Woodstock | IL | $74,000.00 | $37.00 | $49.90 | 96% | $38.54 | - | - | - | - | $12.90 | $2.93 | 10/21/22 |
18 | Bloomington | IL | $63,400.00 | $31.70 | $63.63 | 83% | $38.19 | $9.00 | $13.93 | - | - | $9.00 | $3.23 | 10/21/22 |
18 | Springfield | IL | $70,820.00 | $35.41 | $60.15 | 75% | $47.21 | $11.07 | $4.67 | - | - | $9.00 | $3.06 | 10/21/22 |
18 | Peoria | IL | $68,820.00 | $34.41 | $53.93 | 96% | $35.84 | $10.52 | - | - | - | $9.00 | $2.98 | 10/21/22 |
72 | Spokane | WA | $45,700.00 | $22.85 | $39.75 | 92% | $24.84 | $12.85 | - | - | - | $4.05 | - | 10/21/22 |
132 | Dayton | OH | $55,500.00 | $27.75 | $44.55 | 71% | $39.08 | $6.15 | $3.15 | - | - | $7.50 | $1.50 | 10/21/22 |
143 | Champaign | IL | $72,100.00 | $36.05 | $59.67 | 81% | $44.51 | $13.77 | - | - | - | $9.85 | $3.32 | 10/21/22 |
200 | Pomona | CA | $80,860.00 | $40.43 | $62.83 | 136% | $29.73 | $9.02 | - | - | $4.00 | $9.38 | $2.26 | 10/21/22 |
254 | Albuquerque | NM | $47,900.00 | $23.95 | $33.15 | 91% | $26.32 | $4.60 | - | - | - | $4.60 | 4% | 10/21/22 |
502 | Bellwood | IL | $95,500.00 | $47.75 | $80.98 | 95% | $50.26 | $13.68 | $5.50 | - | - | $14.05 | $3.40 | 10/21/22 |
518 | Independence | MO | $68,840.00 | $34.42 | $56.05 | 84% | $40.98 | $9.38 | - | - | $3.50 | $8.75 | - | 10/21/22 |
528 | Seattle | WA | $95,960.00 | $47.98 | $67.92 | 172% | $27.90 | $6.30 | $3.80 | - | $1.75 | $8.09 | $2.02 | 11/22/22 |
577 | Denver | CO | $58,400.00 | $29.20 | $41.90 | 129% | $22.64 | $7.70 | - | - | - | $5.00 | - | 10/21/22 |
592 | Philadelphia | PA | $83,940.00 | $41.97 | $74.32 | 101% | $41.55 | $11.60 | $6.30 | - | $2.75 | $11.70 | $6.00 | 10/21/22 |
633 | Minneapolis | MN | $78,000.00 | $39.00 | $55.38 | 107% | $36.45 | $7.90 | - | - | - | $8.48 | $5.89 | 10/21/22 |
886 | Toledo | OH | $62,460.00 | $31.23 | $55.13 | 73% | $42.78 | $7.00 | $5.20 | - | $2.25 | $9.45 | $4.50 | 10/21/22 |
891 | Washington | DC | $62,660.00 | $31.33 | $38.94 | 152% | $20.61 | $3.33 | - | - | - | $4.28 | $4.00 | 10/21/22 |
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